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About us

Where we come from

 On June 2nd, 1993 twelve anxious adults met together in a private home to discuss the feasibility of starting a new Christian church in their own community of Dawson County. Eddie Bowen, music minister from the First  Christian Church of Cumming, GA and a member of the group was selected to become the churches’ first preaching minister. 


   On June 23rd, following a formal vote, it was decided the name of this new congregation would be Cornerstone Christian Church. Meeting space was found in the Ingles Shopping Center complex, and the first service was held on July 18th, 1993.   


    In 1994, the congregation began searching for another location large enough to accommodate the growing needs of the increased membership. Another church which had recently moved into its building had left a small church at the corner of Perimeter Road and Rt. 9N abandoned. The building required a great deal of work but with everyone pitching in it was ready for the first service on September 11, 1994.


   With the obvious lack of classrooms and with a rental building in need of much repair, the congregation approved a building site and a building program in 2000. After much prayer and a year of hard work, we moved into our present building for its dedication service in October 2001.


        Our outstanding staff of Mike Frazier, Senior Minister, & Joe Gaines, Associate Minister are the result of much prayer by this congregation and God’s Devine direction. The team of Ministers, Elders, Deacons, Lay Leadership, music team, and others make Cornerstone Christian Church a wonderful place to worship, learn and serve God and community in an atmosphere of faith and friendship.

Where we're headed

What's the bottom line? More than ever, Cornerstone is committed to Drawing people to Jesus Christ, to become devoted followers who impact the world. We believe the best way to do that is to start with the ministering to the families in our community and then reaching out to our neighbors, community, region, and then reaching around the world with the message of Christ. We have much work ahead of us, the challenge is great, but God is good, and we look forward to you being a part of this great vision.

What this means for you

What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at Cornerstone. We're saving a seat for you. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll always be accepted as part of the Cornerstone family.

our pastors and staff:
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Mike Frazier

Senior Minister

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Joe Gaines

Associate Minister

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Beth Frazier

Director of Children's Ministry


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Jodi Cofer
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Michael Edmunds

Church Administrator/Children & Youth


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Kimberly Maloney

Church Administrative Assistant




236 Etowah River Road

Dawsonville, GA  30534


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